Sigash Gardens


Do those questions sound familiar?

How can SigAsh vitRo create value for you?

…because of more than 30 years of experience in the field!
My experience can be an enormous advantage in the accomplishment of projects.

I offer consultancy in the field of cell and tissue culture, biotechnology and product development for plant breeding in your crops.

I gladly manage projects within your company.

Sometimes, however, it is preferred to perform a project externally; for that purpose, I also offer to write and coach your outsourced projects.

The development of a new plantlet in vitro, so-called regeneration, still captivates me after 30 years. And today, I am still inspired and motivated by the possibilities which cell and tissue culture have in plant breeding.

i highly recommend Sietske to anyone who wants to improve his plant breeding by means of tissue culture. Sietske is an inSpiring, appRoachable and Reliable conSultant, with outStanding expeRience in tiSSue culture reSearch and production, especially with haploid production.

Rob Dirks, former Research Manager at Rijk Zwaan in The Netherlands; now guest professor at the university of Ghent and owner of Managerial Genetics Consulting BVBA in Belgium
Sietske has many years of thoRough expeRience with a wide range of tiSSue culture techniques including protoplast fusion and regeneration. She is a fRiendly and underStanding person, who is dedicated, cReative and thoughtful in managing projects. I highly recommend her as a conSultant.

Joep Lambalk, Managing Director at Enza Zaden Research & Development B.V. in The Netherlands

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